
Stay Ahead of Cyber Threats — Download Your Free Checklist Now!

The COVID-19 pandemic brought about changes in remote and hybrid work that can still be felt today. 

That opens up a huge potential for a cybersecurity incident within your organization.

So what protections have you put in place to protect data against cybersecurity threats such as ransomware and malware?

Many organizations are misaligned when it comes to planning and budgeting for data security. 

But some controls require no increase in cost, many of which are included here.

Use this complimentary data security checklist to identify which items can further protect your sensitive data, such as:

  • Effective password management
  • Data encryption
  • Network monitoring
  • System testing
  • Data backups and restorations
  • Plus much more!

Fill out the form to download your free 20-point checklist and see where you're protected—and where gaps exist in your cybersecurity strategy.